Tuesday, October 18, 2011

InterMapper SNMP probe for PaloAlto Networks / PA-x020 - version 1.2

[pour la version Française: cliquez-ici

Please find bellow a new version of my probe for PaloAlto Networks PA-x020 firewalls.

This last version is: 1.2.
Modifications were:
 . Highlighting this blog's URL (the French URL)

 Date        | Version | Who           | Actions
18 oct. 2011 |   1.2   | X. BENSEMHOUN | update information for feedback

        2010 |   1.1   | X. BENSEMHOUN | Some modifications
        2010 |   1.0   | X. BENSEMHOUN | Creation, first functions

You'll find below links to download the latest version and also the previous ones:
. known good_v1.2

This probe was sent on Wed, 19 Oct 2011, you can follow using this reference:
 . Dartware Support Team: Dartware #100727
 . InterMapper-Talk thread: msg06674

As usual, feel free to:
 . Leave feedback and wishes on InterMapper-Talk list
or directly to me on my blog: In English
& En Français

 . Use this as the basis for new probes

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your work on the Palo Alto Networks Probes. Could you please update your probe for the 5000 Series? I upgraded from a 2020 to a 5020 and the probe is confused on the CPU temp and FAN RPM.
